Thursday, 19 August 2021

My Map

 This morning we were working on My Maps. This is a map that I created about Tairawhiti Gisborne. It has many places you can visit including walks, restaurants and family activities.


  1. Great Map! Others in DFI have been sharing that they could use Maps when doing Measurement in Maths. It would be great to see students Map from School to places and measure maybe. Estimate area and then check on a Map could be another. I'm sure with your creativity you'll think of heaps more than me.

  2. Jess thanks for creating this map. I had heard about the stingrays but didn't realise the place was so close and real. Looking forward to a visit there when we are out of lockdown.

    1. Hi Michelle,
      I definitely recommend feeding the stingrays. It is an awesome experience!
