Thursday, 12 August 2021

DFI Week 3

 This morning we learned about the Create aspect of Manaiakalani. The conversation really resonated with me as I love the idea of facilitating opportunities for my students to be creative. I think my students will really benefit from being creative in the classroom. It made me think about how I can incorporate more creativity in my classroom. Allowing my students to use their hands to support their learning also fits into my Professional Learning Goal so it will interesting to see where I can take this. My biggest takeaway from this talk was that students should be creators of content, not just consumers.

At the moment I use Google slides for my own planning. I want to challenge myself to see if I can use Google slides more to create learning tasks not just for my own personal planning. This way I can embed them straight onto my Hub website and my students can find them easier. I liked looking at what students from different schools have created on Google Slides. Being able to see what they have achieved means I can try the same activities in my own hub. Below is a Pick-a-path that I created, it will be great to see my students give this a go as well!

Incorporating filmmaking into my hub would be a great asset for my student's learning. Being able to create films for various reasons including consolidating their learning. Just after lockdown last year (when we were at school but couldn't have large gatherings) we had some experience of using WeVideo to record assembly videos. It was great to see students come out of their shells to create videos. We have the space in our hub to create a studio so it will be interesting to see what we can achieve when we get the necessary tools. 

I have used Google Drawings in the past to complete art projects. It was great to learn about some extra tips that I didn't know about including downloading your drawing as .png so the background is transparent. Also seeing how you can copy the hex code of a colour to use across items or applications.



  1. I am so glad to hear your takeaway from today. I am a massive advocate for students creating things and am always searching for the next thing they could use or a way to reframe a standard create task. Using Google slides in different ways opens up how we design our learning experiences for our students and can add connections to concepts that students didn't have. Using screencastify and slides is a great way to introduce film making concepts. Keep up the great work. See you next week!

  2. I enjoyed doing your interactive quiz on the slides! Great fun. Great that you were able to pick up some more tools for Google Drawings too.
    Looking forward to seeing a film studio spring up in your hub! WE could incorporate some WeVideo sessions into our Cybersmart sessions this term to get you going.
