Thursday, 23 September 2021

DFI Week 9- He Mātai Whakamuri

 Today we had our final session for DFI. This involved completing our Level 1 Google Educator exam. I was extremely nervous to do this but I ended up passing. 

He Mātai Whakamuri- Look back at the last nine weeks.

The biggest learning for me has been reflecting on my own teaching practice. During practicums and whilst being a beginning teacher we reflect a lot in order to develop as teachers. I noticed during these 9 weeks how I have not been reflecting as much since I became fully registered. It has been great to be able to restart this. Most of my reflections over this course were based around the morning korero as I started to think about how I can use digital technology more in my hub. 

Along the way, I have learnt many helpful tips and tricks which have supported me greatly- especially in Google Sheets and Google Forms. These little tricks really help with the functionality of the apps but are also great time savers.

Using Google sites is definitely the highlight for me as I had been previously using it for my hub website but not to its full extent. I like that you can set up google sites for different subjects or activities then just link them that way. 

Today I also completed the Master Screencastify course. This was a good way to find out how else I can use screencastify in my classroom. 

I am looking forward to continuing my digital journey as it is something that will never end!


  1. Ka pai! You are so right, after our initial time reflecting during our training and first two years we often get so busy we forget to actually take time to do this. Having a blog is a great way to outlet and record some of your day to day things. It often seems mundane or you have already reflected in your mind but I often go back and revisit some of my posts from way back and It just helps reinforce my practise. Keep up the blogging and well done for completing DFI 2021!!

  2. JEss,
    Ka pai hoki koe! (Good on you). Well done for passing the Google Level 1 exam! That is the icing on the cake for 9 weeks of professional learning.
    Being a reflective practitioner is so important and I hope you continue to use this blog as a vehicle for your reflections.
